Related projects


Velux Fonden project PREMISE “Preventing MIcroplastics pollution in SEa water from offshore wind” 

  • Objectives: 
    • Evaluate the size and volume of the problem. How much plastics lands in the sea? Quantifying volume, size distributions and shape characteristics of microplastics formed from each material group, used for the blade coatings.
    • Evaluate environmental risk and toxicological effects, for each group of polymers. How potentially toxic is each group of polymers? What is fate of various microplastics coming from wind turbines?
    • Future solutions. Promising ways to mitigate erosion and their pollution risks. Guidelines to the reduction marine pollution.

Innovation Foundation (IFD) project WiseWind/NeW generatIon of SustainablE Wind turbine Blades”: 

  • Objective: The WISEWIND project focuses on developing new blade materials, which will ensure re-processability, easy reparability and repeated recyclability of blades. New generation of recyclable wind turbine blades, based on vitrimer resins, is developed, on the basis of a digital twin of blade materials “from cradle to cradle”.

  • Some publications: 


Innovation Foundation (IFD) project DURALEDGE/Durable leading edges for high tip speed wind turbine blades

  • Objective: The objective of the DURALEDGE project is to understanding themechanisms of leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades, and to develop new new highly durable protective coatings and guidelines for the coating development. Partners: Vestas, Siemens Gamesa, LM Wind Power, Hempel, Covestro, DTU

EUDP (Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program) project IEA Wind Task 45: Wind Turbine Blade Recycling  (2022-2024, 1.3 Mio DKK)

The sustainability and recyclability of wind turbines became especially important due to the ageing and decommissioning of wind turbines installed in the 2000s. While 90% of wind turbine structures are recyclable and reusable, the recycling of polymer composites-based blades remains a significant challenge for the wind energy industry. To address this problem, the IEA Wind TCP Task 45 international network is built around three multi-disciplinary topics: 1) the technical aspects of recycling, waste prevention, reuse, and recycling technology; 2) integrated life cycle assessment and value chains, sustainable business models, and circular economy; and 3) standardization, certification, and legislation. The aim is to identify, explore, influence, and support decisions through exchange of information, analysis, and targeted dissemination of results.


Conferences:  International Conference on Sustainable Wind Turbine Blades: New Materials, Recycling and Future Perspectives, November 21-23, 2022, Roskilde, Denmark. 


US-Danish collaborative project (DTU, New York University, Tufts University)  "Structural health monitoring and maintenance of wind turbine blades", 2020-2022

  • Objective: formulate strategy and common approaches toward structural health monitoring and maintenance of off-shore and on-shore wind turbines. Partners: New York University, Tufts University, DTU Wind Energy
  • Symposia and conferences: Symposium on New Developments in Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Turbines, 23.11.2020





Leon Mishnaevsky Jr.
Senior Scientist
DTU Wind
+45 46 77 57 29
12 FEBRUARY 2025