Events and News

Events and Conferences: 


  • Wind turbine blade repair: Test repair carried out, using the technology by structrepair GmbH company. See here and here.

Other Recent Presentations: 

  • Manabendra M. De (National Aerospace Laboratory), et al. Surface erosion problem for small wind turbines in India: Experience and solutions, WESC 2021
  • S. Anthony Raj Prem Kumar (WindCare) An optimization method and system in operational maintenance of wind turbine blade replacement activity with effective down time, cost and ecological friendly, WESC 2021
  • Bose Sumantraa (NIWE), K. Boopathi (NIWE), Leon Mishnaevsky Jr. (DTU)Wind turbine blade damage mechanisms and repair technologies: Survey of strategies and regional differences, WESC 2021






Leon Mishnaevsky Jr.
Senior Scientist
DTU Wind
+45 46 77 57 29
27 JULY 2024